Please note MyFitnessPal is available in a free and paid version. Athletes have the option to connect or share accomplishments with friends. MyFitnessPal also supports weight plans through a few other ways, such as providing over 350 exercises and allowing people to join active forums for motivation, tips, support, and advice. You should check out the app at the end of the day for some insightful feedback. The calorie counter will automatically tell you the number of calories in your recipes, foods, and meals. This app also lets users import their own recipes. It has a barcode scanner for accurate logging of foods. Using MyFitnessPal is incredibly easy, as you only need to choose the foods from the database and then record those details in the app.

It’s compatible with many mobile devices, computers, and other apps. MyFitnessPal connects you to a massive food database, boasting over 6,000,000 foods! Yes, you heard that right.

It is hands down the best calorie-counting app you can find on the market today. If you have a problem with keeping track of the calories you consume and burn to lose, gain, or maintain weight, then you should consider taking advantage of MyFitnessPal. Generally, the duration of the workouts range from 7 to 45 minutes, and they target all muscles. This encourages competition, thus increasing your motivation.Īnother feature worth mentioning is that it includes recovery and transition time in most of the workouts. What’s great, you can request friends who also use the same app to integrate with your account. The app is integrated with social networks, allowing you to share your progress or any other information with friends. The app also includes milestones to work towards. With Nike Training Club, you can keep track of your workouts, including the total number of hours spent performing the exercises. The video tutorials make it a lot easier to perform specific exercises safely. During workouts, a video will be displayed on the screen with detailed instructions to guide you in each exercise. It is easy to adjust your progress, schedule, and other activities. NTC presents you with customizable options and challenges, depending on your goals. Athletes can choose between plans consisting of body-weight exercises, yoga classes, and those that require the use of equipment. You can browse workouts based on different factors, such as muscle groups, intensity, mobility, strength, and workout duration. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, you will find something to match your fitness needs. There are over 185 workouts by Nike’s Master Trainers. While the app is completely free, it is designed with fantastic workout collections and other tons of features that accommodate athletes of all fitness levels.

Nike Training Club is a top favorite among athletes looking to build strength and advance their fitness at-home with minimum to no equipment. BEST FREE FITNESS APPS FOR SERIOUS ATHLETES Well, I have trawled through a galore of apps to bring the best free fitness apps that are compatible with iOS and Android devices. The good news… you can get apps that track a wide range of important metrics for free! If you want to get the most of your exercising regime and achieve health & wellness goals, don’t underestimate the power of fitness apps. Without a tool to keep track of your performance stats, you will agree with me that it’s difficult to tell if you’re making the desired progress. We are spoilt for choice when it comes to gadgets and fitness tracking applications that play an essential role in monitoring our diets, tracking workout progress, keeping us motivated, and more. Technology has become an integral part of the fitness world.